trailblaze challenge

Trailblaze Challenge

Gonna get personal (and super wordy) for a second here!

Those of you who know me well might know that when my daughter was born she had some serious and life threatening health issues that lead to an operation when she was only 10 months old. She is 3 1/2 now and we are so grateful to be on the other side of all of that. Throughout the past few years I lived with constant worry- to see your own child sick and in and out of the hospital is an indescribable feeling to anyone who hasn’t lived through such times.

So- my point! I’ve signed up to hike 28.3 miles on May 19th in an effort to raise as much money as possible for children and families that are dealing with life threatening illnesses. It’s the Make a Wish Trailblaze Challenge. These children and families need joy and light in their lives!! LOVE